Harper's Game Farm


We raise ring-necked pheasants that have blue backs. These birds are more colorful than other pheasant breeds. Prices depend on age and time of pick-up of orders.




sold in trays of 36
  ***Call on Fridays for pricing and avaibility***
*Shipping & handling is extra and determined by the amount ordered and destination.


( Must order in groups of 25 )
25 ...........................$ 3.20 each
50...............................$ 2.60 each
100 to 475............................$2.10 each
500 to 975.............................$1.60 each
1000 & up...........................$ 1.50 each
*Shipping & handling is extra and determined by the amount ordered and destination.

Flight Conditioned
(50/50 mix only available until all hens are sold)
October...................$ 11.50
January................$ 14.50
***Above pricing subject to change due to input cost***

***Call for pricing***
Straight Cocks (only available after all hens are sold)



 Note:  Except for eggs and day old chicks that can be shipped through the mail the rest of the ages need to be pick up at the farm or can arrange for truck delivery.  We charge for loaded miles only.

Truck Delivery
$2.50 per loaded mile
***This may change depending on the continued increase in fuel prices*** 


Shipping Day Old Chicks and Eggs with USPS Surcharge
We ship throughout the continental United States
We ship chicks by US Post Office Priority Mail unless delivery is 3 day then Express Mail. We email you the weekend before they are shipped and the tracking number the day they are shipped so be sure to check your email. You MUST examine the chicks in the presence of a postal clerk upon arrival. If more than 9% of of the chicks (over 100 orders) are dead on arrival, CALL US ASAP! Before you move any of the dead chicks in the box take pictures then you can take care of the live ones. We need pictures in JPG format emailed to gamefarm@harpersgamefarm.com so that we can file a claim with the Post Office. We cannot accept pictures by text message, they must be emailed.


Starting 2025 USPS now requires an additional $15 surcharge per box on all shipments of live animals and eggs. This mandatory surcharge is required on all live order with ship dates behinning january 19, 2025. this madatory fee is presented transparently, ensuring customers can see all assessed fees. the surcharge is passed on without any markup and is non-taxable. To minimize shipping costs and surcharge fees, each order is carefully optimized during checkout for the most efficient and cost-effective boxing. For questions, or to voice yourconcerns regarding this surcharge, we recommend contacting your state senatoror representative in Washington, DC. Click here to look your sentator or representatvie and their contact information.


NOTE: We connot gaurantee eggs to hatch because they can be damaged in shipment or incubation problems can occur that we have no control over.




(Please add subject line as Farm Newsletter)

female pheasant
pheasant male